The 2nd stage of the international youth basketball tournament “Bertans Valmiera Summer Cup 2024” took place from the 29th until the 31st of August in Valmiera, Latvia. Stage 2 welcomed participants from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Finland. The Stage 2 competition took place among 10 teams in each of the […]
The 1st stage of the international children’s and youth basketball tournament “Bertans Valmiera Summer Cup 2024” took place from the 26th until the 28th of August in Valmiera, Latvia. Stage 1 welcomed participants from all three Baltic states – Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. 10 teams competed for the 2015 age […]
From the 26th until the 31st of August, an international youth basketball tournament “Bertans Valmiera Summer Cup 2024” will take place in Valmiera, Latvia, and will bring together participants in six boys’ age groups from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Finland. The “Bertans Valmiera Summer Cup 2024” tournament will take place […]
From August 26th until August 31st, 2024, the international youth basketball tournament “Bertans Valmiera Summer Cup” will take place in Valmiera, Latvia. The tournament organizers and representatives of the Bertans Valmiera Basketball School invite youth basketball coaches to register boys’ teams in the following age groups: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, […]
No 24. līdz 26. augustam norisinājās starptautiskais bērnu un jauniešu basketbola turnīrs Bertāns Valmiera Summer Cup 2023. Turnīrs norisinājās lielākajās Valmieras pilsētas sporta hallēs – Valmieras Olimpiskais centrs, Valmieras 5. Vidusskola. Kā arī turnīra dalībniekiem bija gods pirmajiem spēlēt basketbolu uz jaunatklātā Valmieras Viesturu vidusskolas sporta zāles laukuma. Dalībai turnīrā […]
On Monday, August 26, International Youth Basketball Tournament “Valmiera Summer Cup” will start at the Vidzeme Olympic Center courts. Valmiera will host the Valmiera Summer Cup 2019 in two rounds from August 26th to 31st. This year the event will take place for the fifth time and will be attended […]