Bertans Valmiera Summer Cup 2024 STAGE 1

The 1st stage of the international children’s and youth basketball tournament “Bertans Valmiera Summer Cup 2024” took place from the 26th until the 28th of August in Valmiera, Latvia. Stage 1 welcomed participants from all three Baltic states – Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.

10 teams competed for the 2015 age groups’ championship title, but in the end “DSN Riga” came in 1st place,  “Salaspils SS” came in 2nd and “Madonas BJSS” ended up finishing 3rd.

In the 2014 age division “Gulbenes BJSS” became 3rd place winners, the runner-ups were “Basketbola Klase”, with “DSN Riga – 1” becoming the winners.

It was a very fierce game between “Tartu Ulikool” and “BS Keizars/Riga”, only for “BS Keizars/Riga” to beat them and secure their place in the Top 3. The players from “Bertanu Valmiera BS” ended up in 2nd, with “DSN Riga” securing and taking the 1st place trophy of the 2013 age division back with them to Riga.

Important to note, that the 1st stage of “BVSC ’24” was done without showing the scores on the scoreboards. The decision helping younger players not lose their focus based on the score shown before them.

Supporters of the tournament: Hesburger, Aimasa, Municipality of Valmiera region, Sporta bode, Valmiera Glass VIA, Mangaļi, LVKV, Tymbark, Muesli Graci, fotogrāfs Emīls Vanags, Saules klinğeris, Valmieras Olimpiskais centrs.