Registration open for VSC2021

Despite the current situation in the world, we start to prepare for the Valmiera Summer Cup tournament in August. We invite teams to apply in 8 age groups. The number of teams in each group is limited.

šŸ“† 23.-25.August 2021

ā›¹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Girls 2006,2008

ā›¹šŸ¼ Boys 2010, 2011

šŸ“† 26.-28.August 2021

ā›¹šŸ¼ Boys 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

If the situation in Latvia will not allow this type of event to take place, then the tournament organizers will reserve the right to cancel the tournament until August 1.
More information:

šŸ§”šŸ» Organizer – Sandis BukÅ”s

šŸ“ž +371 29975935